It’s our business to protect you, and we take this seriously

Fire Suppression Systems
Keeping your building and its occupants safe from fire means trusting that the network of fire protection equipment you’ve installed will work when it is needed.
However, your reliance on fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and fire alarms should never be a matter of blind faith. Your fire protection systems should receive detailed regular inspections performed by a trained and certified Bison Fire Protection professional.
When you commit to a schedule of inspections, you will:
- Uncover and fix larger issues to prevent catastrophic issues from occurring.
- Uncover, small, easy-to-remedy problems that can potentially cause sensors or sprinklers to operate at decreased efficiency or even fail entirely.
- Reveal and prevent any issues that might impact the performance of the fire protection devices throughout your building.
Staying code-compliant is an important reason to stick to a schedule when it comes to your fire protection systems, but more importantly you should commit to a regular inspection schedule because the after-effects of a fire can be huge — you will lose money, your buildings’ occupants will lose their homes or livelihoods, and people may even lose their lives.
A preventable emergency may change your life.
At Bison Fire Protection, we are guided by our uncompromising commitment to safety and integrity. It is at the heart of everything we do, and it is the promise we make to ourselves and our clients every day
Rob Read, President and Owner of Bison Fire Protection Inc.

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